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About Us.
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We also participate in Kanban management to meet your Just-In-Time (JIT) requirements.
What we do
Our company manufactures fabricated sheet metal and wire products. In our over two million square feet of manufacturing facilities in two states, our employees manage various types of work cells to make sheet metal and wire products. We use enterprise resource planning software to automate key functions of our operation, especially as it relates to inventory management. As a LEAN manufacturer, we inspect and measure quality throughout the production process, starting with the raw materials and ending with the finished product. We also participate in Kanban management to meet your Just-In-Time (JIT) requirements. Also, BurnishOEM recycles 100 percent of the waste it accrues from our steel manufacturing operations. We take pride in recycling or repurposing leftovers associated with the manufacturing, cleaning, and packaging of our work. But we don’t just efficiently make parts, we also provide exceptional customer service. We staff call centers in both Texas and Alabama, and the friendly and responsive personnel will be available to answer your questions either on the phone or by email throughout the process.
Company Description
Burnish is a word that has two fantastic meanings. First, it means to rub metal until it shines. Second, it means to improve your reputation or the way you appear to others. At BurnishOEM, we live up to our name’s meanings as an original equipment manufacturer. Not only do we make metal and wire parts “shine,” but we also design, prototype, cut, laser, machine, bend, mill, grind, clean, powder coat, assemble, package, and ship metal and wire parts. Our goal is to ameliorate your company’s reputation and make you look good by manufacturing and delivering the parts that you need to be successful with your clientele. Our employees have the expertise needed to mass produce the components you need on a regular and specialized basis. We have perfected utilizing automated manufacturing processes to build high quality fabricated metal and wire components, weldments, and welded sub-assemblies. Our experienced staff utilizes the finest technology and metal forming equipment to provide you with the highest quality sheet metal and wire fabrication. We operate 2,300,000 square feet of manufacturing in three factories in both Texas and Alabama. We maintain redundant equipment at each of our three manufacturing locations to transfer workloads to mitigate production delays on the rare occasion that it is necessary. BurnishOEM delivers precision components that meet your exact demands and conditions for production, delivery, and management. BurnishOEM is proud to be a LEAN manufacturer. Our company creates value for our clients by eliminating waste, improving quality, and perfecting our production capabilities. We save you from having to fund manufacturing facilities and associated labor, providing economies of scale by taking care of your production by using our staff and facilities.